Tuesday, July 3, 2007

The countdown is on!

Gopala, here we come!

This time next week, if all goes as planned and intended, we shall have our baby girl in our arms on July 9th. I am so EXCITED!

No time to write a proper entry. Just a quickie. We leave in about three hours to go to Dulles Airport (4:30 a.m. departure from Tunis Mills) and then the journey to our daughter really begins.

I am exhausted. It's nearly 1 a.m. and I have about 20 mins. more of packing.

We've pretty much nailed it down to one bag a person but they're heavy!!!!!!!!

Clothes packed for a week, a huge bag of baby gear/stuff, diapers, gifts for the Vietnamese officials, reading material, and blah blah blah. And the nursery is pretty much ready.

We had a wonderful little farewell dinner with Mom. Thanks for bringing the steamed shrimp down and mostly, for giving your grandson a much needed bath.

I can't believe we are finally at this point. After years of being in discernment to really starting again in earnest in January to now - July 3rd on our way to Asia. Holy cow! Are our lives about to change. See you later Tunis Mills! Back in a few weeks. Grow mightily and well beautiful garden!

I love you all - a huge, big, immense thank you to those wonderful people near and dear to our hearts who in the past two weeks have gone overboard offering friendship and kindness in the sweetest and most unexpected of ways. It's all very much appreciated. We are so blessed to live in such a wonderful community. Ciao for now!


Anonymous said...

I am so excited too! Have a groovy trip.

Emanual said...

Happy Trails. Can't wait to follow along.